August 1, 2011

365 Days of Duke - Days 155 thru 168

(Still 2 weeks behind on his pics....hoping to get caught up this week.)
We've been trying to keep cool in this crazy hot weather!  I can't remember a summer this hot since we've lived on the east coast.  Hoping for some relief soon....We've been spending a lot of time trapped indoors trying to stay cool and are experiencing some cabin fever.  We're missing open windows and long walks around here.  Normally I wish summer would never end but i'm beginning to long for a cool fall breeze.
Baby boy is officially 6 months old and we are loving this age!  He is becoming so much more independent and SO STRONG.  I swear he's sneaking push ups while i'm asleep.  He has become super grabby and keeps surprising me with what he can reach and pick up (and throw).  Yesterday he grabbed my sunglasses off of my face and a few days before that he grabbed the bread off of my sandwich and threw it on the ground.  Quick little monkey!  He also has mastered the fine art of blowing raspberries and "kisses" which really means he loves to attack my face with a huge gooey open mouth (which I love even though I need to hose off afterwards).  Sitting up and crawling are next on his agenda.  He's getting soooo close to both.  We are anticipating a visit tomorrow from Duke's Uncle Butchie and Cousin Pootie from Oregon.  It'll be their first time meeting each other and I see a whole lot of F-U-N in our future this week.
On to the pictures! (our picture creativity was a bit stifled due to being stuck inside hiding from the heat AND a week long of face close ups)


Also, if you have a free moment you should check out a truly inspiring post on one of my favorite blogs "Under the Sycamore" today.  In all the bad news we are bombarded with on a daily basis it's refreshing to read a story about a family who does their best to make the world a better place.

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