December 9, 2010

31 Weeks

Last weekend we went Christmas shopping.  We drove out to VA to go to my favorite mall (SO much nicer than the malls around our house) and let me tell you....I hope this is the last time I have to see the inside of a mall in a WHILE.  We had fun, but by the end of the day I was feeling pretty lousy (but I DID get to have mexican food, which is not easy to come by where we live).  This little guy is starting to take up so much room in my belly that i'm not sure where 8 weeks more of him is going to fit!  I'm sure that he's getting bigger every single day and my belly is already bigger than it was in this picture from last weekend.  My belly button still hasn't popped out yet.  If it hasn't by this point i'm not sure if it will?  I guess i'll find out soon!
Christmas shopping is almost finished...thank goodness for the internet!


  1. Hi Chelsea! I found your blog through Melissa's Dear Baby blog and it is lovely! I also have admired many things in your etsy shop. Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy and being a mom! How wonderful it is! You look great in this picture...and I just have to ask...what boots do you have on? I have been looking for some just like that and have yet to find the perfect pair! Hope you don't mind me asking!

  2. Chelsea,
    I have purchased many items from you on Etsy for friends with babies on the way. Now it's my turn! And I'm wondering where you get most of your adorable are super stylish in all of your pics - where are you shopping for maternity clothes?
    Thanks for the blog....Duke is adorable.



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