June 24, 2011

Oh yes I did.

Our latest adventure in parenting is that the little mister refuses, and I mean R-E-F-U-S-E-S to take a bottle.  While I love that he is a pro at nursing and I wouldn't trade that special time with my little boy for anything in the world, it is becoming a bit of a problem since I can't go anywhere without him.  Recently Duke and his dada have spent a lot of time circling the block outside of places I need to go.  They walked the block around where I get my hair cut, they walked around outside while I attended a wedding shower (which they ended up crashing due to baby boy needing to eat), they had tea and a snack with Grandma at a coffee shop outside of a wedding dress boutique where I was attending a fitting with a friend.  I have been dreaming of a Saturday morning yoga class for months but I don't see that happening any time soon given our current situation.
We've been giving him a bottle every single day with an ounce of so of breast milk, hoping that he will give in and have a taste.  He cries, swats, bites, gags and pushes the bottle away.  
I remembered seeing this mimijumi bottle in a magazine when I was pregnant.  After some internet searching I found it in this baby shop in Boulder (Weirdly I used to work in this exact same location in college when it was a little girl's clothing shop).  One $20 bill later and we are the proud owners of a bottle that looks like a boobie.
So far we've tried it twice and haven't had any luck.  He is slightly more interested but still looks at us like "do you guys think i'm a fool"???  
Lesson learned from this experience: give a bottle early and give it consistently.
We'll keep trying and hopefully this magic bottle will work eventually.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Chelsea, How is the bottle going for Duke now? Evan never took a bottle either. Even when he went to day care. He was a stubborn little guy. He did much better when we intriduces a sippy cup so you might have better luck with that. Delaney also refused a bottle but after about 3 weeks she finally got a hang of it. We use Dr Browns glass bottles


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